Clinical Psychiatry & Therapy Services
Welcome. Good to see you. Mental health issues are common, but thankfully, there are ways to turn things around.
Meet Dr. Peter Cowley
Registered Psychiatrist & Therapist
“I’ve enjoyed an extensive career working with folks from all walks of life in their journey of mental health and recovery. Although I may have the necessary qualifications and knowledge to treat my patients in a clinical capacity, I believe an important aspect of ‘the work’ I do is in developing a deeper understating of the individual and joining them on their journey through Life Conversations.
Whether or not you choose to make contact with me I hope you find something helpful on this website, to help you on your mental health journey.”
Getting help
What can Dr. Peter help with?
Most people will experience at least one significant mental health issue in the course of their life.
From schizophrenia to bipolar disorder, from anxiety states to PTSD, from ADHD to OCD, from relationship issues and breakups to loss and grief, depression and the absence of meaning or loss of purpose in living. When we are confronted with life's difficulties, it is easy to get side-tracked into maladaptive ways of coping: use of alcohol, substance use, gambling, sexual behaviours, rumination, avoidance, escape, procrastination, and self-harm.
Peter has years of practical experience, successfully helping people experiencing such conditions.
Reaching out
If you live in the greater Wellington Region and are struggling with depression or other mental health issues, we encourage you to reach out via your GP or use our self-referral option.
Do you, or someone you know have depression?
Depression is very common. Most adults, at some point in their lives, will experience some significant depression. It can make you feel like a victim and make you live life the wrong way. The experience of having depression can vary enormously between people.
How do we treat mental health issues?
When you go to the doctor with a sore leg after an accident, say, an x-ray can be taken to see if the leg is broken. In mental health, there are no simple tests to tell what is going wrong. When it comes to mental health, we need to think differently about ‘diagnosis’.
Recovering from mental health issues.
Recovery from depression can take from a few weeks to many months. Many people find that seeing their GP and having an antidepressant or seeing a counsellor is sufficient for their recovery. But for many people, they need something more and this is where Dr Peter Cowley can help.